Friday, December 18, 2020

Bonus Post "FOR THE WIN "

 Describe something you've done really well in this course.  Find at least one thing that makes you proud as you look back. (title: FOR THE WIN)

Something that i am proud of is soccer, I got made fun of because I was skinny and everybody knew how to play because they were taught at a very young age and i was 13 and barely learning . I have always been a girly girl so i was scared of a ball and my attitude towards soccer wasn't the best . When it came to a scrimmage no one ever picked me and that motivated me to start practicing after bout 1 month i got better and finally came off the bench after a while i was gaining confidence and i became the go to left defense of the team and started every game after that but then they got club girls into my team and i slowly started getting benched again other teams saw that and 2 clubs and 3 Sunday league teams scouted me and i joined one of the sunday leagues and there i was a starter and then i tried out for school soccer for junior high and also became a starter and i was supposed to go to a clubs try out but covid kind of stopped that.

Final Reflection Questions and Answers

1. From the beginning, what made our course different than any other course you have ever taken?

I think what made this course different was that we were kind of grading ourselves and it was up to us to do the work and check the blog and We had one of the most supportive teachers and very helpful ,I learned a lot this year from this class and being independent and responsible .

2. As you look back on our experience together, what did you find most meaningful?

How Dr. Preston showed that he really cared and trusted us as students that we were going to do the work and read Les Miserable  , Les Miserable is one of those books you would never see me reading and mostly because I don't read but also because i don't find it interesting if it wasn't for this class I wouldn't  have stumbled over this way ahead of its time book which is really interesting .

3. As you consider the work you've done, what are you most proud of?

I think I have gotten better at my writing and I sometimes stopped procrastinating for some of the assignment because I was really excited to start them and some I did not feel the best about so i may have procrastinated.  

4. Is there anything you wish you would have done differently, or better?

Yes I wish I would have wrote better essays and sometimes journal topics I also think that I should not have procrastinated  so much .

5. As you look forward, what did you learn in this course that will help you for the future?

I learned to read out of your comfort zone books because you never know what you might stumble across and end up liking 

6. There is one English-y requirement. In your essay, please mention three texts that you've read this semester AND three literary techniques that made those texts effective - if you need some suggestions, consult the list of what we've covered on our Terms page).

I really liked the essay techniques and the one were you can take a picture of your written essay i also liked the journal topics Dr. Preston chose for us because some of them were really questions you had to think about thoroughly and those three were"Many people look at life and see a need for change. What if we could change in ways that made it easier to accept and navigate life the way it is? What can you change about yourself that would make you more effective at living your best life?"

"Why is love such an important theme in music, poetry, short stories, novels, and movies?  There are so many works of art dedicated to the topic, and yet, in real life there are so many bad breakup and divorce stories.  Why are people so interested in love -- and so often, so bad at loving?"

"Dr. Seuss once wrote, "How did it get so late so soon?  December is here before it's June.  My goodness how the time has flewn. [sic]  How did it get so late so soon?"

Essay on Les Mis

        This book is something I would never read but it was an interesting story we have not finished it yet but it is not like any other book I'm sure 1000 other people have sad this but it is way ahead of it its time it talk about pandemics , racism , the French revolution and many more things . The main character of les mis were the bishop and Jean Val jean  . The bishop is kind hearted and at the begging of the book we saw that when he decided to live in the hospital and give the hospital his house because they were in a pandemic and needed somewhere were the patients could go and all fit. 

      In this book we learned that the bishop was a man who is a nice compassionate priest , who would give his lfe almost so that the world could be a better person like he also showed with the hospital and what we know is that he is old has a sister and is very respectful as for Jean Val Jean he is trying to lead a normal life afer being in prison for so many years we first see him when he is looking for where to stay and nobody wants him to stay at their place so and old lady who is not in the movie by the way asks him if he has gone to the bishops house and he says no so he goes on that is all i have read but i will add more to this when i finish the book over winter break 


 At the beginning of the chapter we are introduced to a forty eight old man with a beard , apparently no one knew him and no one wanted him to stay at there homes and we in class predicted he was in jail and we were correct at the end of the chapter .

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Les Mis 12

  The beginning of the chapter starts by talking about how bishops are or are supposed to be like , In this chapter i learned a lot about the personality of  Mademoiselle Baptistine and how he grew up poor and humble , it was an interesting but confusing chapter


 We start this chapter off by talking about the arrest of the bishop and how the event happened the 5 and 6th of July of 1809  and how also in this occasion m. myriel was summoned by Napoleon.  Myriel attended the synod . the chapter goes on to talk about  Mademoiselle Baptistine , I really liked this chapter because their were more conversations and more quotes then usual 

 Hello My name is Gitzel Rodriguez Amador and this is my 2nd year in osla  . This blog is for me to show how my work grows year by year and ...