Sunday, February 21, 2021

Journal Topics

 I remember how I made friends when I was a kid. It was easy. My two best friends became my best friends when one of us said, "Hey! Wanna be friends?" As we get older, though, it seems more complicated to make and keep friends. Why should this be so? How do you make friends? 

I made some of my friends because of soccer, softball, and track and I also made some through other friends and I also make friends in my classes when I dont know anyone so I just start talking to them and we just become friends.

Describe the most amazing adventure you've had - or, the most amazing adventure you'd like to have. 
 So far one of the most amazing adventures ive had is driving to L.A with my sister and going to a concert. A adventure i would like to have is a summer with my bestfriend having as much fun as we had last year when we drove 7 hours to pick her up.

Reflect on the past few days of our learning together, and imagine it as a series of pictures, videos and text on a social media site. Describe what you see. How do the artifacts describe the experience and the people behind the scenes? 
  These past few days have been really fun and interesting we discuss topics that wouldn't seem normal in a classroom and these past few days we all got to get to know each other in a really fun way.

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 Hello My name is Gitzel Rodriguez Amador and this is my 2nd year in osla  . This blog is for me to show how my work grows year by year and ...