This chapter starts off talking about the feminine instinct and a letter that is about how much they miss her and how they are doing and how their is a room without furniture and how the woodworker was old and she explained how old he was by saying it was the era of her grandmother .And how happy she is and how goo and kind her brother is and how she prays for him to be kept safe .
Saturday, October 31, 2020
The chapter name is "PHILOSOPHY AFTER DRINKING" the name sounds like the chapter is going to be about somebody drinking , The chapter started by talking about the senator and how smart he was the chapter is pretty short but its mostly about the conversation he and the bishop had and how , I believe he was drunk by the things he was saying and the name of the chapter you can kind of seee it in this paragraph On some semi-official occasion or other, I do not recollect what, Count*** [this senator] and M. Myriel were to dine with the prefect. At dessert, the senator, who was slightly exhilarated, though still perfectly dignified, exclaimed:—
“Egad, Bishop, let’s have a discussion. It is hard for a senator and a bishop to look at each other without winking. We are two augurs. I am going to make a confession to you. I have a philosophy of my own.”
“And you are right,” replied the Bishop. “As one makes one’s philosophy, so one lies on it. You are on the bed of purple, senator.”
The senator was encouraged, and went on:—
“Let us be good fellows.”
“Good devils even,” said the Bishop.
“I declare to you,” continued the senator, “that the Marquis d’Argens, Pyrrhon, Hobbes, and M. Naigeon are no rascals. I have all the philosophers in my library gilded on the edges.”
“Like yourself, Count,” interposed the Bishop.
This chapter starts of with Carvate taking refuge and concealing himself with his "bandits" , He robbed and his robberies laid on the country side . The mayor talked to the bishop and told him that even with an escort he was still in danger and the bishop said "therefore i will go without an escort" I think the bishop said this because he is a very caring man and he doesn't want anyone that is escorting him to get hurt so that is why he prefers to go without an escort in my opinion. The bishop stuck to his plan and was going to go find them even though he risked getting hurt or perhaps killed bu he said a phrase that will now stick with me and he said " I am not in the world to guard my own life, but to guard souls.” He went out with a guide and left his sister behind . The chapter continues talking about how when he returned the people went outside to look at him out of curiosity and the he went on to say that we should not fear robbers or murders and that he had faith in god
My parents had not had any time to put up our ofrenda and we usually do it October 30 or 31 when we comeback from trick or treating but this year were obviously not going to trick or treat , but my abuela had time and put an ofrenda for me in mexico and i never really payed much attention to the ofrendas that we did but last year i lost a friend to cancer and ever since i see the ofrenda as much more than just a table and flowers i see it as a place were she could come on November 1st and i think my parents and my sister see it as that too. I will make sure to post our ofrenda when we put it up
How i read ""Les Mis"
When i read "Les Mis" I really get a very nice detailed image in my head because of how well Victor Hugo describes the places , the people, and they're personality. It really lets me capture an image of how they are and sometimes how they look. Victor Hugo really gives me that effect by describing the place with a lot of details like "The house in which he lived consisted, as we have said, of a ground floor, and one story above; three rooms on the ground floor, three chambers on the first, and an attic above. Behind the house was a garden, a quarter of an acre in extent. The two women occupied the first floor; the Bishop was lodged below. The first room, opening on the street, served him as dining-room, the second was his bedroom, and the third his oratory. There was no exit possible from this oratory, except by passing through the bedroom, nor from the bedroom, without passing through the dining-room. At the end of the suite, in the oratory, there was a detached alcove with a bed, for use in cases of hospitality."
The books
Dr. Preston asked us to choose a book and the book i chose was "The Outsiders" the reason i chose this book is because my sister recommended me it and she bought it for me , She really want us to watch the movie together so everyday she reminds me to read it. Another book i chose was "The Great Gatsby" which i wanted to read a long time ago and i also plan on reading that one for fun, A book i have to read is "Don Quixote" my mom bought me the book because she thinks that i should read it because its a popular book and so i can be educated, so i will be reading it .
Thursday, October 29, 2020
Journal Topic , October 19
What does it mean to "step over the line"? (If this phrase isn't familiar to you, look it up.) How do we know where the line is? Is it different for different people or different situations? What effect does stepping over the line have on conversations and relationships?
I have heard this phrase but only in Spanish and from what i understand "ya te pasaste de la raya"
means you went a little to far , maybe you said something that the other person was insecure about or wasn't ready to say . I think we all know where the line is when you make fun of a family member or an insecurity then you have officially crossed the line , maybe it is different for family members then it is from friends but it works the same way
Journal Topic , October 28
You thought you wanted to do this, but now you're not sure. The small plane doesn't feel like anything you've ever experienced. There is just a thin sheet of metal between your feet... and nothing. Just thousands of feet of empty space to the Earth below. You stand up as the experienced skydiver next to you yells, "You're next!" Every bump makes your knees weak. Your stomach feels like it wants to live in your throat. You're numb, but you move toward the open door. Suddenly the wind whips at your hand and this is all suddenly too real.
What do you do next? Will you sit back down or will you take the leap? Describe your actions in detail.
Journal Topic , October 23
Describe an important decision you had to make. How did you do it? What information did you need, and how did you get it? What determined the direction you eventually took?
An important decision I have to make every year is weather i will be happy in a class and try or if i will hate it and fail , I choose to pass any class no matter how much i hate it and the thing that helps me determine if i will try is my hope of becoming a doctor/Pediatrician some day
The chapter starts off talking about a conversation and how when he laughed "he laughed like a school boy". Each son of madame la Comtesse Lo were assigned different expectations . The youngest son of Madame la Comteese Lo was to get thousand of livres and the second child was to entail to the title duck , and the eldest was to succeed to the peerage of his grandfather. The chapter continued and they Talked about the peasants in France dwelling and how one day he heard a criminal case about a wretched man
Tuesday, October 20, 2020
Chapter 3 was very very short but it started out by talking about inhabits of villages and how when its farming season the sons go to the army and the daughters stay behind and the daughters do their services in the villages or towns . If the father ever dies the son goes and tries to find the fortunes while the daughter stay keep the house and search for husbands.
We opened the chapter by describing the Bishops Palace as a big palace with a lot of rooms and then they describe the hospital as small one floor and with a small garden The bishop saw how small the hospital was and how many people were in there so he said maybe the hospital should move into my palace and i could move into the hospital since of the epidemic. Later on we are shown receipts of how they used the money . "After a time the money started to flow in ".
Monday, October 19, 2020
At the beginning of this chapter we are introduced to Charles Francois - Bienvenue Myriel who allegedly the of about 70 years of age. As I continued reading i thought we met a new character by the name of M. Myriel and the point of view at this moment he was the son of the councillor of parillament of aix . His dad made him get married at about 18 or 20 years old. When the revolution came a long his wife died in his chest . M. Myriel was appointed Bishop . He walked in with a thin girl who was his sister. What i really like about this chapter was how well they introduced everyone who they brought in like the maid, the sister and even the bishop himself you really get to know them by how well he describes them
Friday, October 16, 2020
October 12 , Journal Topic
The internet has helped a lot with school ever since we found out about the virus and the school website has helped a lot too.
October 6 , Journal Topic
No , I have not made any new friend over the quarantine using the internet but i have become much closer with my best friend of 14 years , We have been watching movies through zooms and face timing everyday .
October 1 , Journal Topic
I agree with George Cardin . Their is no such thing as a bad word but their is a such thing as the wrong usage of a word .
Hello My name is Gitzel Rodriguez Amador and this is my 2nd year in osla . This blog is for me to show how my work grows year by year and ...
This week I joined a program named "open source learning" and we published our key interests , previously programed courses, add...
Describe a time you gave or got an idea that helped make something better. Whenever I cook or I bake my mom gives me advice like put more ...
In my opinion I think my learning this semester is totally an adventure in the present and future. I believe its an adventure because Dr. Pr...